Are you a chocolate lover ❤️ We have some good news for you - there is a possibility that you can still have a bit of chocolate!
There are many kinds of chocolate available at the shops these days. It is difficult to know which one you should choose. Below are a few chocolate recommendations we have for you.
First, it is best to make your own chocolate rather than store bought. And surprisingly its so simple! Store bought chocolates often have unhealthy additives and sugars. By making your own, you can ensure they quality of the chocolate.
Cacao vs. Cocoa. We always suggest that raw cacao be used over cocoa powder. While making cocoa powder, the cocoa bean is heated to very high temperatures, eliminating many of the beneficial qualities of the bean. As a result, the cocoa becomes difficult for the body to digest and leads to the formation of Ama - especially in combination with the toxic additives in many chocolates available in the shop today.
Organic and raw cacao is full of healthy antioxidants, magnesium and iron. It also helps to raise endorphins and boost the mood. Raw cacao powder can be found in the health section of most grocery stores and is very affordable!
Despite its numerous benefits, we suggest eating raw cacao in moderation, as it can be rajasic for the mind - generating excessive mental stimulation. The taste of raw cacao is bitter and it is heating for the body. These qualities make it beneficial for balancing the Kapha dosha. However, people of Kapha constitution or imbalance should make sure there is limited amounts of sweetener to remain balanced. Someone with a Vata constitution or imbalance may feel stimulated by the caffeine and light qualities of the cacao. This can be mitigated by using natural sweeteners in small amounts. The heating qualities can be too stimulating for Pitta dosha as well. We will offer a few recommendations per-dosha below.
Cacao Recipe.
1/2-3/4 cup of extra virgin coconut oil. 1/2 cup of raw cacao. 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup. See additional add-ins below.
Melt the coconut oil over low heat. Add the cacao powder, sweetener and add-ons of your choice. Mix until well combined. Pour onto baking sheet on an eco parchment paper. Place in the fridge for a few hours.
Vata variation: Use maple syrup instead of honey. Sprinkle some sea salt on top. 1/4 tsp of organic vanilla powder can also be added.
Pitta variation: sprinkle pumpkin seeds on top. Use maple syrup instead of honey. 1 tbsp of organic desiccated coconut can be added.
Kapha variation: only 1 tbsp of honey. After eating the chocolate, it would be best to have some warm water to aid digestion.
For all constitutions, make sure the chocolate is only eaten when the agni, the digestive fire, is functioning properly and at its strongest. It is best to eat it before or in-between meals and avoid in the evening before bed.
If you have any questions about whether cacao is suitable for you, you’re welcome to email us at or call/text 0406 810 547 for guidance.