Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment

July 08, 2019 2 min read

Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment
Have you had an Ayurvedic Pulse assessment before?

The Art of Reading the Pulse – Nadi Vijnanam

Ayurveda is the art of daily living in harmony with the laws of nature with the aim of maintaining the optimum health of a healthy person and treat disease when suffering from ill health.
Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam
Aaturasya vikar prashamanam

For this purpose, we need to have an understanding of the persons health. One mean to obtain is, is the understanding of the pulse. This technique is called Nadi vijnanam.
Nadi meaning pulse and vijnanam means understanding, comprehension or knowledge.
Nadi also means a river of live expressed through the pulse.

Nadi vijnanam is also mentioned in the eight fold patients examination (astha vidha pareksha).

In Ayurveda pulse reading has been elaborated in great detail and emphasises on the importance to gain and understanding and assess the patients prakruti (ayurvedic constitution), vikruti (imbalance) and doshic disorders.

There are seven levels of the Pulse, which are:
1st level is vikruti and organs
2nd level manas vikruti
3rd level subdoshas
4th level ojas, tejas, prana
5th level dhatus
6th level manas prakruti and chakras
7th level prakruti and organs

(to learn more on doshas, subdoshas, dhatu, manas, ojas, tejas and prana… we would recommend attending our workshop on the fundamental principles of Ayurveda. For more information on workshops and training courses visit https://www.lakshmiayurveda.com.au/training-workshops/

The pulse is a subtle manifestation of universal consciousness pulsating through the persons constitution. The art of pulse reading is just truly fascinating, and I am so excited about the one week long intensive seminar here in New Mexico with the master of pulse reading Dr. Vasant starting today.

Consultations are available again from the 8th of July and we are looking forward to do your comprehensive Nadi pareeksha/ pulse examination.
With love from Albuquerque New Mexico