Save the Date!

August 02, 2021 1 min read

Save the Date!
Save the date ✔️ Saturday, August 21st at 9am we will be hosting our next workshop. The topic is ‘Women’s health - Enlightening inner beauty with Ayurvedic practices.’

Karin will teach this practical workshop which will include learning how to make your own face-pack to promote optimal complexion, learn the importance of performing self-care practices around your menstrual cycle and how to make a variety of women’s health teas 

In addition you will learn about the fundamental principles of Doshas and Dhatu specifically relating to women’s health. Information includes daily routines for women, douching practices, emotional responses throughout the cycle, how to make and use castor oil packs at home as well as information about widely used herbs in Ayurveda for women’s health.

- Date: Saturday, August 21st.

- Time: 9am-12pm.

- Location: Lakshmi Ayurveda, 13 Suffolk Street in Fremantle.

- Cost: $90.

- Included: course workbook, Lakshmi chai and snacks :) Take home your own face mask.

If you are interested in learning more about the workshop you are welcome to email us at or call/text 0406 810 547. We have a limited number of spots available and bookings are through Eventbrite. The link to book is in our bio.

We look forward to welcoming you in August!

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