Ayurvedic Perspective on Parasites - Krimi Nidanam.

November 16, 2021 1 min read

Ayurvedic Perspective on Parasites - Krimi Nidanam.
The ancient classical texts of Ayurveda so descriptively indicated about the symptoms related to parasites. Check out the Madhava Nidanam, Chapter 7 for more information.

There are known to be both internal and external parasites, according to Ayurvedic texts. Some of the causes of Krimi Roga include excess intake of sweet and sour foods, too many fermented drinks, incompatible foods, indigestion and a weakened immune system.

Charaka speaks about different herbs used to relieve worm infestation - these include Shigru (moringa), Maricha (black pepper), Vidanga, Nirgundi Ajamoda, Chitraka, Nimba, Pippali, Hing, and more.

If you suspect parasites you are welcome to speak with one of our practitioners further. Treatment will be individualised and will include dietary, lifestyle and body purification treatment.

Booking available via the link in our bio.

Wishing you a great day!

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