What is Included in an Ayurvedic Consultation?

June 04, 2019 1 min read

Your Ayurvedic experience begins with an in-depth consultation.

An initial consultation will involve an in-depth interview analysing all aspects of your complaint or ailment – be it mental or physical – your Ayurvedic constitutional type (Prakriti) and any imbalance (Vikruti) will be assessed.
The consultation also includes evaluating the pulse (Nadi Vijnanam), tongue diagnosis as well as skin, hair and facial analysis. Your digestive capacity (digestion and food absorption) will be assessed as well as signs and symptoms of Ama (digestive toxins).

Changes to daily routine and dietary habits will be discussed with the aim of restoring balance through diet, lifestyle, classical Ayurvedic preparations and body cleansing advice. You will receive a personalised and handwritten treatment plan to take home!

If you purchase the Lakshmi Team EBook along with your consultation, you will receive the book for a discounted rate of $22. You are welcome to visit our online shop for more information about the book.

I look forward to meeting you.
With love Karin

PS: enjoy a free yoga class for all consultation bookings until 15/06.