AMA (Digestive Toxins)

June 01, 2018 4 min read

AMA (Digestive Toxins)
Have you got a furry white coated tongue?

Do you feel foggy headed in the morning? Are you fatigued with low energy levels? Do you experience mood swings and overwhelmed under stress? Do you think that overall you could be feeling better? Check your tongue in the mirror - Have you got a furry white coated tongue?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you could be experiencing AMA (digestive toxins), and you’re not alone.

Many of us have ama within the digestive system and we usually don’t do much to try to eliminate it, either for not really relating those symptoms to a condition that can be addressed, or for thinking that it’s too late or too complicated to get better.

We have good news for you – We can help! Just by adapting a few changes to your food habits and life style you’ll start to see the improvements. Those changes can make you feel so much better that you won’t miss your old habits.

But what really is AMA?

Ama is a toxin that is created within the digestive system in response to poor digestion. When agni (digestive fire) is not adequate, food remains undigested and unabsorbed in the intestinal tract, resulting in ama. Even wholesome foods convert into ama when agni is deficient.

Ajirnadyo rasa Jatharagni sanchito hi kramena ca
AMA sanjanam sa labhate siro gatra ruja karah
The essence of food which is not well digested and which accumulates inside the body is known as AMA, it produces disease of the head and body
(BP/Madhyama 26.5)

In the digestive system, ama obstructs the colon preventing it to extract prana (vital force) from the digested food. The prolonged presence of ama in the system generates toxins, which are released into the bloodstream, travelling to a weakened part of the body. At this stage, disease could manifest.

Ama is the root cause of many diseases and it’s most easily identified by its signs and symptoms. When ama is present in the body, it causes the deterioration of strength, inducing lethargy, fatigue and a feeling of heaviness. Constipation, indigestion, gases or diarrhoea could also be caused by ama. At times, ama can generate bad breath and a funny taste in the mouth. Body ache and stiffness are also related to ama. Even food cravings often are due to the presence of ama in the system. In the mind ama can cause misperception and disturbed thoughts. Emotions such as greed, jealousy, selfishness, possessiveness, and anger convert into ama. An early sign of ama in the body is a coating on the tongue.

When these symptoms of ama are noticed, they may be removed by a thorough cleansing of the bodily systems. Also seasonal Panchakarma is recommended (if suitable for the person).

Common habits may contribute to deficient agni. Overeating, cold drinks, eating before the previous meal has been digested, not chewing properly; all of those things that we often do cause our agni to function improperly, contributing to the formation of ama.

While all internal disease begins with ama’s presence in the body, all diseases caused by external factors, such as viruses, bacteria, etc, will potentially produce ama. However, not surprisingly, an adequate agni not only will support the immune system to fight an external disease in an efficient matter, but it will also prevent ama to form.

With so much emphasis on agni, it’s needless to say how important it is to maintain a healthy agni. If you’re wondering how – We’re here for you! See your Ayurveda practitioner to be checked out and get a tailored prescription for action. We look forward to seeing you and start a new journey of harmony with Ayurveda.

Until then, enjoy some simple digestive tips that can be easily followed by everyone everywhere. Those tips will improve and maintain your agni functioning in a harmonious matter.

- Use a tongue scrapper regularly;
- Drink warm water with fresh ginger throughout the day. Ginger is a great digestive spice that tastes amazing and will also improve circulation;
- Cumin and Ajwan seeds are also easy to obtain spices that improve digestion and dispel gas. Add those to your warm water;
- Chewing ¼ of a teaspoon of fresh ginger with a little pinch of Himalayan salt before meals will aid digestion;
- Coriander, Cumin and Fennel tea, or CCF tea is a traditional Ayurvedic digestive tea. Here’s the recipe:


    • 1 part coriander seeds

    • 1 part cumin seeds

    • 1 part fennel seeds


You can make a jarful of the blend to save time, or just measure out the individual herb for a single serve.
Use less cumin if you find it overpowering.
Place 1tsp of the blended seeds in 2 cups of water in a pot. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 4-5 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

We hope you enjoyed the reading. If you have any question or would like to make an appointment with an Ayurveda practitioner, please contact us:

Lakshmi Ayurveda team wishing you a happy day and happy digestion