Do you suffer from headaches?

February 17, 2021 2 min read

Do you suffer from headaches?

In this photo we have prepared an herbal paste with milk for a client experiencing headaches. Learn more about the treatment process below ??

Nidana parivarjana, avoiding the root cause of headaches, may include simple advise such as less screen time, decreased exposure to sun, refraining from alcohol etc. However, headaches are very complex and the treatment varies depending on the types listed below.

Headache is called shirashoola in Ayurveda and different types have been mentioned due to Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Tridoshaja and Raktaja.

Other shiroroga mentioned in the classics are ardhavabedhaka, suryavartha and krumija.

Both physical and emotional factors are considered to be responsible for headaches.

The treatment varies and depends on the type of headache. It is important to differentiate between a primary or secondary headache (those due to another ailment).

Kaphaja type of headaches are more associated with heaviness in the head, watering of the eyes, sinus related, dull headaches, nausea and swelling.

Pittaja type are more associated with burning ? sensation and thirst, excess heat or a nose bleed and usually aggravates during the middle of the day and in summer.

Vata types of headache is often associated with giddiness, dryness of the eyes ? sharp pain and often appear on half of the head. The pain is more throbbing in nature.

Some of the common treatments for shirashola includes:

1. Nasya treatment.

2. Shiroabhyanga - head massage.

3. Shiro lepa - herbal paste application on the forehead and head.

4. Shirodhara.

5. Shiro basti.

6. Shiro Picchu.

7. Marma massage.

8. Pathya/ Apathya ahara vihara (diet and lifestyle).

9. Yoga and Meditation.

10. Exercise.

Here at the clinic we prepared Karutha Gulika to be used in the treatment for a client experiencing headaches.

The Gulika are prepared with four ingredients: Boswellia, Kankustha, Ferula Foetida and Aloe Vera juice.

The Gulika is crushed with a mortal and pestle.

Milk is added to make a smooth paste and the paste is then applied on the forehead.

If you are suffering from headaches and would like more information you’re welcome to email us ?