International Women's Day Award 2023

March 07, 2023 1 min read

International Women's Day Award 2023

What a wonderful evening at the Consulate General of India, Perth celebrating International Women’s Day 2023.

It was such an honour to be there and listen to many inspirational women during a panel discussion

Our heart is filled with deep gratitude and thanks to the Consulate General of India Mr. Amarjeet Thaki for awarding Lakshmi Ayurveda with an “Outstanding Achievement Award”

A big thank you to the wonderful Lakshmi team making this possible and Guruji Dr L Mahadevan who continuously supports and guides us.

Guru Brahma

Guru Vishnu

Guru Devo Maheshwarah

Guru Saakshat Para Brahma

Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

We wish you a beautiful weekend and we are looking forward to seeing you at the Lakshmi clinic.

Much Love, Karin

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