
February 07, 2023 1 min read

A beautifully red herb with ancient roots.

Manjistha is one of Ayurveda’s top herbs. It is most commonly known for its beautiful red colour and for its many benefits to the skin. Manjistha has been used in ancient traditions for thousands of years. If you research more about Manjistha, you will learn that it’s been used to colour clothing thousands of years ago, even in ancient Egypt.

The roots of Manjistha are used to produce medicine.

Ayurvedic qualities of Manjistha

    • Rasa: Madhura, Tikta, Katu

    • Virya: Sheeta

    • Dosha: Great for both Pitta and Kapha Doshas. In excess it can increase Vata dosha but within reasonable use, it should have a tridoshic effect.

    • Dhatu: Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa


    • Blood purification.

    • Diuretic action.

    • Skin conditions - acne, dermatitis, psoriasis.

    • Bleeding disorders.

    • Amenorrhea.

    • Anti-inflammatory.

    • Wound healing.

Ways to use Manjistha

    • Internally through power, tablet or kashayam.

    • Manjistha is one of the herbs in our homemade varna lepa, Ayurvedic face pack. Great for promoting the complexion.

    • Externally with an Ayurvedic oil such as Pinda Thailam or Manjisthadi Thailam. Great for treating excess Pitta in the skin.

    • Manjistha powder can be mixed with other herbs to apply to skin conditions such as rash, pimples and more.

If manjistha sounds like it could be beneficial for you, you are welcome to book in with one of our practitioners to discuss further. The link to book is in our bio.

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