Nidra (Sleep) From an Ayurvedic Perspective

April 20, 2018 2 min read

How did you sleep last night?

Poorly, not long enough, or broken? Evidently, you are not alone. According to the Australian Sleep Health Foundation, up to 40% of adults indicate that they receive an inadequate night’s sleep.

The Samhitas, ancient Ayurvedic texts, consider sleep to be one of the three pillars that sustain life in the human body. It is considered the temporary detatchment of the mind from the senses (indriyas) and their objects of perception.

The traya upastamba, 3 life sustaining pillars, are:

    1. Ahara (Food)

    1. Nidra (Sleep)

    1. Brahmacharya (Controlled sexual life)

The causes of Nidra Naasa (Insomnia) include:

    • Increased Vata causes Nidranasa (Sleeplessness)

    • Increased Pitta causes Alpanidratha (disturbed sleep)

    • Chittotkanta (mental tension)

    • Asukhya sayya (an uncomfortable bed)

    • Satvo daaryam (mind not prepared for sleeping)

    • Rookshaannam (dry foods)

    • Kala swabhaava (time unsuitable for sleep)

    • Kshaya (malnutrition)

    • Vyaadhi (disease)

    • Vata pitta vriddhi (increased Vata and Pitta)

A good and restful sleep helps to increase our happiness, strength, nourishment, longevity, and vigour. Incorporate these tips into your life to improve your sleep!

Ayurvedic ways to Promote Nidra:

    1. Warm milk: add a pinch of nutmeg add some crushed blanched almonds

    1. Herbal tea: 1 part Tagara, 1 part valerian root powder, 1 part chamomile. Mix 1/4 of this powder with warm water before bedtime

    1. Chamomile tea

    1. Suggested Herbs: Ashwagandha, Tagara, and Jatamansi

    1. Abhyanga (oil massage)

    1. Padaabhyangam (foot massage) using Dhanvantara taila or ksheerabala tailam

    1. Shirodhara, shiropicchu, shirovasti, utsadana (special ayurvedic body treatments)

    1. Snana (warm bath)

    1. Listening to pleasant music, a comfortable atmosphere and bed

    1. Yogic asanas such as pascimotta sana and sirasa

    1. Putting sesame oil into the ear

    1. Put lepa (medicated paste) with Sandalwood on the head

    1. So-Hum mediation. Inhale with So and exhale with Hum while lying on the back and focusing your mind on the third eye

If you are suffering from sleeping problems, please email us at more tips on how to improve your sleep patterns!

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you a good sleep, your Lakshmi team.