Uterine Fibroids - Rakta Gulma in Ayurveda

January 25, 2022 3 min read

Uterine Fibroids - Rakta Gulma in Ayurveda
Uterine fibroids are benign tumours in and around the uterus.  They are also known as Myoma and Rakta Gulma in Ayurveda. 

They develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus, called the myometrium. Uterine fibroids are not cancerous. 

They can vary in size from being very small to being the size of a rock melon. 

It is possible to have multiple fibroids. 

Fibroids are often described by their location in the uterus. 

Myometiral - occurring in the muscle wall 

Subserosal - the fibroids grows outwards towards the peritoneal surface. These usually don’t affect a woman’s menstrual flow but can cause pain due to pressure on other organs. 

Submucosal - the fibroids that develops just under the lining of the uterine cavity other types are extra uterine and cervical fibroids. 

Many women with uterine fibroids do not experience symptoms. However they can cause a variety of symptoms such as:

    1. Abnormal bleeding 

    1. Heavy bleeding. 

    1. Painful periods 

    1. Spotting 

    1. Pelvic pressure or pain 

    1. Infertility 

    1. Painful intercourse 

    1. Needing to urinate a lot 

    1. Lower back ache 

    1. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen 

The cause of uterine fibroids is unknown but the hormone oestrogen has been linked to the growth of fibroids. 

They usually develop during the woman’s reproductive age and shrink in later age when oestrogen level naturally reduces. 

Treatment options in allopathic medicine are IUD, hormone treatment, surgical removal and hysterectomy in more severe cases. 

More information for Ayurveda students and Ayurvedic practitioners

In Ayurveda fibroids are called rakta gulma which is defined as an ailment with the accumulation of rakta inside the uterus during a womens reproductive age. 

Oestrogen can be considers as pitta kapha predominant in nature and progesterone is considered as kapha pitta. According to modern science anti oestrogen treatment is anti fibroid treatment in Ayurveda Pitta Kapha is considered anti fibroid. 

In Ayurveda treatment should always be based on the Nidana (causative factors), Samprapti, and the lakshanas. 

Causative factors of rakta gulma

ऋतावनाहारतया भयेन विरूक्षणैर्वेगविनिग्रहैश्च|

संस्तम्भनोल्लेखनयोनिदोषैर्गुल्मः स्त्रियं रक्तभवोऽभ्युपैति||१८||

During ritu-kala (ovulation period) if a woman does fasting or takes dry food articles or suffers from fear and suppression of natural urges; uses stambhana dravya to stop menstrual bleeding, improper Vamana therapy ..... may lead to formation for rakta gulma in women. 

(Reference: charakasamhitaonline)

What does Ayurveda has to offer. 

Nidana Parivarjana - eliminate all causative factors 

Uterine fibroids are manifested in the site of Vata (site of Apana vayu this is called Apana sthana) 

It is the gunas of Kapha which undergo aggravation in the pathology of uterine fibroids. 

The gunas which undergo vriddhi/ aggravation are 

Sheeta -  coolness

Manda - slow

Guru - heaviness 

Symptoms of rakta gulma

यः स्पन्दते पिण्डित एव नाङ्गैश्चिरात् सशूलः समगर्भलिङ्गः|

स रौधिरः स्त्रीभव एव गुल्मो मासे व्यतीते दशमे चिकित्स्यः||१९||

The lump slowly grows in the form of round mass which has pulsation as a whole but not in its part. It is associated with acute pain and signs and symptoms mimicking pregnancy. Raktaja gulma occurs only in women and should be treated after the completion of ten month

(Reference: charakasamhitaonline)

The treatment principle can be carried out in three phases according to my Guru Dr L Mahadevan. 

Phase 1: 

Herbs and diet which are predominantly in heating, scraping and downwards movement are administered. This is called ushna, lekhana and anulomana.

Phase 2: 

Rakta Prasadana and bhedana of rakta (expulsion of rakta)

Blood letting 

Mild Virechana 

Phase 3: 

Administration of Anuvasana and Niruha basti. It helps in Vatanulomana and nourishment of basti sthana. 

If you are suffering from fibroids and would like to learn more about the Ayurvedic approach email info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au 

Mentoring programs available for all students and practitioners of Ayurveda. 

For more information email karin@lakshmiayurveda.com.au 

We wish you a great start to the week. 

With Love the Lakshmi team 

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