Aromatherapy for Winter

July 25, 2023 1 min read

Aromatherapy for Winter

Warming, pungent and uplifting essential oils and incense are great for treating the cold, damp and heavy nature of winter.

We also suggest lighting a candle and bringing natural light into your house and workspace.

We love using Frankincense, orange, camphor and cedar to uplift emotions.

Gandha is the Sanskrit word for smell or fragrance

Smell is linked to the earth element, Pritvi. Earth element helps provide us with a sense of stability and of being grounded. If there is a condition where smell is impacted, this will usually suggest an imbalance of the earth element in the body

We offer a wide variety of incense available in the shop and online. The link to view our collection is in the bio.

P.S. ‼️ It is important to make sure your incense is all-natural, with no additives or chemical products.

What are your favourite aromas for the winter season?

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