Ayurvedic Toothpowder

November 23, 2020 1 min read

Ayurvedic Toothpowder

Today we have prepared a fresh batch of homemade toothpowder ? Ayurveda recommends using herbs with a bitter and astringent taste for oral hygiene, as they are naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature.

Our toothpowder contains herbs and spices ? such as triphala, licorice, clove, neem, guduchi, jatiphala, turmeric, cinnamon and more. These herbs are coarsely ground and many of which we use in daily cooking.

? To start, first put the toothpowder on your finger. The powder is best applied with the finger to feel our teeth and gums, increasing our bodily awareness.

? Next rub the powder into your teeth and gums.

? Leave it for a few minutes.

? Finish by rinsing your mouth with warm water.

If you swallow a little of the powder don’t worry ? its absolutely fine.

Toothpowder is helpful in treating:

1. Receding gums.

2. Gingivitis.

3. Bad breath.

4. Gum inflammation.

5. Mouth ulcers.

6. Gum sores.

7. Tooth whitening.

8. Improves taste perception.

9. Enhances overall oral health.

If you have any questions about the toothpowder, you’re welcome to message us directly or call/text 0406 810 547. The powder is available in our online shop - the link to the shop is in our bio. We hope you enjoy!