Ayurvedic Travel Tips

July 26, 2022 2 min read

Ayurvedic Travel Tips
We are grateful to see people taking the opportunity to travel, see their family or friends, take long-awaited vacations, visiting new exciting lands and adventures ✈️ After the years of travel restrictions, what a relief! 

While preparing for travel is exciting, we need to support our bodies in staying healthy during travel 

Some of the common complaints related to travelling include:

    • Constipation

    • Jet lag 

    • Excessive gas

    • Lack of appetite

    • Trouble sleeping

Ayurveda offers insight into combating these complaints. Below are a few Ayurvedic guidelines to follow while you travel. These are particularly important during air travel ✈️

    • Apply a drop or two of sesame oil to the ears and nostrils before the flight.

    • Wear an eye mask - get as much rest as possible!

    • Sip warm and hot water throughout the flight. Add a pinch of ginger powder to keep the digestive fire strong ☕️

    • No cold and dry foods! All warm, easy-to-digest foods. Avoid Vata aggravating foods before and during travel (light and gas-promoting foods)

    • Keep warm!

    • Meditate

    • No alcohol before and while flying

    • Practice deep relaxing breathing and move your joints, legs and arms regularly.

    • Avoid processed foods and white sugar.

Packing list for your carry-on luggage

    • Small dropper bottle of sesame oil

    • Ear plugs

    • Eye mask

    • Ginger powder

    • Scarf and hat

    • Hot water flask

You may be wondering, why do we get so thrown out of whack from travel? From an Ayurvedic perspective, travel increases Vata Dosha. Vata Dosha is light and mobile in nature - therefore the increase can cause an imbalance in the body. Vata is the easiest dosha to experience imbalance. We say, if you balance Vata Dosha, many problems an individual is experiencing can be improved.

Curious to learn more? You are welcome to book in with one of our practitioners to discuss prior to your travel plans. Booking is available via the link in our bio.

Happy travels ✈️

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