Freshly prepared Amalaki Rasayana is back in stock!

February 10, 2022 1 min read

Freshly prepared Amalaki Rasayana is back in stock!
This is one of the most powerful immunity strengthening and anti ageing formulas Ayurveda has to offer.

Amalaki Rasayan contains, Amla juice, Amla pulp, Amla churna, Pippali, Ghee and Honey. The ingredients say it all, it is packed with Antioxidants.

This formulation is beneficial for:

1. Anaemia (Pandu).

2. Tridosha balancing.

3. Nourishment of Rasa dhatu.

4. Rasayana (Rejuvenation).

5. To enhance immunity (Ojas building).

6. headaches.

7. promotes eye sight (Chakshushya).

8. skin problems, hair fall.

9. aphrodisiac (vrushya).

10. anti-aging  (vayasthapan).


Purchase available via our online shop or by visiting the shop during office hours.

Wishing you a healthy start to the week.

With Love, Karin.

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