Ginger Jam.

October 01, 2021 1 min read

Ginger Jam.
Are you suffering from any cold and cough symptoms at the moment? If so, Ginger Jam may be suitable for you!

Also called Guda Ardrakam, this is one of our homemade formulations at Lakshmi Ayurveda. Great for treating asthma, colds and cough, indigestion and when generally feeling run down.

The process of making the formulation is as follows:

Jaggery is dissolved in fresh ginger juice and boiled until it reaches a syrup consistency. Ghee is added followed by a number of churnas, powders, including cardamom, ginger, black pepper, cumin, coriander, musta and more.

Once the mixture has cooled down honey is added.  

This formulation is great for:

    • Deepana/ pachana: awakens digestion and digest toxins.

    • Kasa shwasahara: alleviates cough, asthma and benefits breathing.

    • Rasayana: rejuvenation, especially for the lungs.

A brand new batch is ready and available in the shop! You’re welcome to contact us with any ordering inquiries. Available via our online shop - the link to view is in our bio.

With love your Lakshmi Ayurveda team

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