Mandukaparni/Gotu Kola/ Centella Asiatica

May 15, 2019 2 min read

Mandukaparni/Gotu Kola/ Centella Asiatica
All about Mandukaparni/ Gotu kola/ Centella asiatica

Do you know anyone suffering from dementia, alzheimers, depression, stress or anxiety? If yes, this plant might be very beneficial (best used after consulting your Ayurvedic practitioner and self prescription is not advised).

This herb gets often confused with Brahmi (bacopa monnieri). Its synonyms are brahmi, brahma, manduki and sarasvati.

Brahmi and Mandukaparni are different plants!

Today we are looking at the creeper called Mandukaparni. the Sanskrit name Mandukaparni refers to the leaves which resemble the webbed feet of a frog. The leaf looks like the cerebellum and is one of the ‘doctrine of signatures’ as Gotu kola is traditionally renowned for its intellect promoting properties.

Charaka has mentioned the following Ayurvedic actions of Gotu Kola:

Medhya - intellect promoting
Raktapittahara- prevents bleeding from high pitta
Kusthaghna - alleviates skin disease
Rasayana - rejuvenates life
Vayasthapana - anti ageing
Hridaya - heart tonic
Nidrajanana - promotes sleep

Bhavaprakash has mentioned it as Sivaya mahousadhi the divine great drug.

Ayurvedic properties

Rasa/taste: bitter and astringent
Vipaka/ post digestive taste: sweet
Virya/potency: sheeta/ cooling
Dosha: Tridosha balancing, predominantly kapha and pitta.
Prabhava/ special effect: intellect promoter (medhya)
Guna/ qualities: light/ laghu

Medicinal uses:
1. Intellect promoting
2. Mental disease, anxiety, difficult in learning, epilepsy
3. Insomnia, Parkinson
4. Boost agni/ promotes a healthy digestive fire and metabolism
5. Respiratory conditions (asthma, hoarseness of voice, cough)
6. Heart disease, cardiac debility
7. Skin disease such as acne
8. Improves microcirculation, useful in venous ulcers
9. Healing of cavities in tuberculosis (mentioned by charaka)
10. The juice is beneficial in acidity, gastritis and ulcers.
11. As a general tonic and rejuvenator

The whole plant and leaves are used for medicinal purpose

The paste of the leaves alleviates discharge and promotes the wound healing.

Special tips 
1. you can find many teas with Gotu Kola but a cold infusion (hima) is preferred as heating destroys some of its properties.

2. Best to take with ghee to enhance the effect

3. Daily consumption of 1-2 Gotu kola leaves improves your liver function.

4. The fresh herb juice is considered the strongest way to use Gotu Kola.


Do you know that you can easily grow Mandukaparni/ Gotu Kola/ Centella Asiatica in Australia? It loves moist places and best if you plant it moist soil.

We would love to hear your experience with Gotu kola ?

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With Love your Lakshmi Ayurveda team ❤️❤️❤️