Seasonal Fruits.

September 15, 2021 2 min read

Seasonal Fruits.
When you walk into your local fruit and vegetable shop, can you tell which produce is in season?

Ayurveda recommends following the flow of nature and consuming seasonal produce. This can be challenging in certain climates, particularly those with harsh winters.

We are lucky here in Perth to have access to fresh produce all throughout the year. Structuring our eating habits, fruits and vegetable preferences around the seasons becomes a natural adjustment.

Nature provides us with the vitamins and nutrients we need in the seasons we need them most ☀️

Based on the seasonal food guides in Australia, below ?? is a list of a few fruits in time for the start of Spring season:

    • Blueberries 

    • Bananas 

    • Avocados 

    • Figs.

    • Limes.

    • Mandarins and oranges

    • Mulberries.

    • Strawberries 

From an Ayurvedic perspective, although eating seasonally is recommended, this does not ❌ mean that its suitable to indulge in eating massive amount of avocado and blueberries each day.

This is where speaking with an Ayurvedic Practitioner is important. Although it is important to eat seasonal, choosing with seasonal produce is most suitable for your body is just as important ‼️ You will assimilate the nutrients from the seasonal produce only if your body is able to digest them properly.

You’ve most likely heard about the doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. You are made up of a unique blend of the three. Therefore foods impact us all differently.

Lets look at a few of these fruits from an Ayurvedic perspective

If you have been following us for awhile, you would have heard about the many benefits of fresh figs. Figs are sweet, astringent and cold in nature. They are great for balancing Pitta dosha.

Blueberries - High in antioxidants. These berries are known for having a cooling and anti-inflammatory nature. Best for those with a Pitta predominance or imbalance. Can also be beneficial for Kapha dosha is consumed in moderation.

Mulberries: The sweet, sour and astringent qualities of mulberries make them great for treating both Vata and Pitta doshas.

Bananas best for balancing Vata dosha. The cold and slimy nature are best avoided by Kapha Prakriti.

Lime: Best suited for Kapha and Vata dosha.

We hope you enjoyed learning a bit about the seasonal fruits here in Perth. You are welcome to message us with your questions.

If you’re interested in booking in with one of our practitioners, the link to book is in our bio.

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