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  • Summer Substitutes

    January 03, 2023 1 min read

    Summer Substitutes
    Swap naturally heating foods for those which are more cool in nature. This will help you stay balanced during the hot weather ☀️

      • Swap Honey for jaggery, organic cane sugar or maple syrup

      • Swap salt and pepper for coriander and lemon 

      • Swap Chai ☕️ for lassi

      • Swap Alcohol for pomegranate and grape juice

      • Swap Olive oil for coconut oil or ghee ✨

      • Swap Red lentil for mung dal or mung beans

    As always, it is best to speak with your Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the foods and beverages most suited for you. You’re welcome to book in for a consultation in the new year. The link to make a booking is in our bio.

    Enjoy the sun, safely

    #ayurveda #sun #summer #summersubstitutes #maplesyrup #coriander  #lassi #pomegranate #grape #juice #coconutoil #ghee #mungbeans