KUMARI - Aloe Vera

January 13, 2022 1 min read

KUMARI - Aloe Vera
Known as Kumari in Ayurveda, Aloe Vera  is great for preventing constipation, calming excessive heat in the body, encouraging hydration and can be used externally for burns and rashes – these are just a few, there are many other benefits!

Aloe Vera for Beauty ✨ Great for encouraging healthy skin and hair growth.

Aloe Vera for Digestion: Lubricates the intestines and encourages healthy gut flora. Can be used in colon discomfort such as diverticulitis and constipation.

Aloe Vera for Womens health: can be used to treat delayed menstruation and when coupled with other herbs helps to improve period pain.


We have Aloe Vera juice available in our online shop. https://www.lakshmiayurveda.com.au/product/aloe-vera-juice-1-litre-natural-crush-pulp/

Make your own Aloe Vera drink at home:

Step 1: Cut one stem off your Aloe Vera plant.

Step 2: Carefully slice off the top layer of the skin. Using a teaspoon, scrape out the inner pulp.

Step 3: Put the aloe pulp in a blender with some room temperature water. Blend until frothy. If you don’t have a blender you can use a mortar and pestle.


You can get creative and use other cooling herbs, such as mint, to make your juice even more tasty! Check out our post from a few days ago - making your own grape aloe vera and rose water hydration drink. https://www.lakshmiayurveda.com.au/2022/01/according-to-ayurveda-grapes-are-considered-the-best-among-fruits-?/

If you have any questions you’re welcome to email us at info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au or call us at 0406 810 547 during office hours.

Wishing you a great afternoon!

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