5 products in the Lakshmi shop to help regulate your digestion

November 02, 2022 1 min read

5 products in the Lakshmi shop to help regulate your digestion

    1. CCF Tea

    1. Aloe Vera Juice

    1. Tongue Scraper

    1. Triphala

    1. Organic Raisins

✅ CCF Tea, also called digestive tea, is made here at the clinic and is great for regulating digestion and aiding in removing AMA (digestive toxins) from the body.

✅ Aloe Vera helps to lubricate the intestines and encourages healthy gut flora. Can be used in colon discomforts such as diverticulitis and constipation.

✅ Tongue scraper - a must for everyone to keep their gut in check!

✅ Triphala is one of the most popular Ayurvedic formulations. The three-fruit combination is great for treating a wide range of digestive complaints.

✅ Raisins. Check out our reel from yesterday to learn how to make our favourite stewed apple and raisin recipe. Great for helping treat occasional constipation. Always buy organic raisins!

If you have specific and long-term digestive complaints, it is best to speak with your practitioner to determine which herbs and formulations are most suited for you. Many of our Ayurvedic formulations are prescription based only. The link to book a consultation is in our bio.

These products and many more are available in the Lakshmi shop - open from Monday to Saturday from 9am-4:30pm. We look forward to welcoming you

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