Anorectal Ailment Formulation

August 04, 2020 2 min read

Anorectal Ailment Formulation

We are preparing an Ayurvedic formulation for one of our patients who is suffering from an anorectal ailment.

Anorectal disease refers to an ailment of the anus or rectum. The most common conditions are piles, anal warts, anal fissures, anorectal abscess and anal fistulas.

Lets have a brief look at an anal fistula from an ayurvedic perspective.

Anal fistula is called Bhagandara in Sanskrit.

According to Ayurveda there are different types.

    • Vata (Sataponaka)

    • Pitta (Ustragriva)

    • Kapha (Parisravi)

    • Vata pitta (Pariksepi)

    • Vata Kapha (Ruju)

    • Kapha Pitta (Arsobhagandara)

    • Sannipata (Sambukavarta)

  • Trauma

All Bhagandaras are painful and troublesome in nature. Most of the types are sastra sadhya and require surgery.

They are mentioned as Mahagada in Sushruta Samhita. In the Astanga Sangraha (classical Ayurvedic text), eight diseases are described as Maharoga which are Yapya (difficult to treat) in nature.

A fistula is a big challenge for both allopathy and ayurvedic surgeons due to their high recurrence rate.

Ayurvedic treatments such as nadi bhedana karma, chedana karma, agni karma and ksara karma are recommended.

When the fistula track has not been formed and when the bhagandara is in pidaka state (peri anal abscess) then external applications are best advised. BH Ra 51/1.

Dashanga lepa can then be applied externally.

Our home made prepared classical formulation is called Guggulu Panchapala churna. This formulation contains 5 pala of guggulu hence the name guggulu Panchapala churna.

The ingredients are:

    • Guggulu

    • Pippali

    • Haritkai

    • Bhibhitaki

    • Amalaki

    • Cinnamon

  • Cardamom

The fine powder of these herbs is mixed unifomly this is given with a ghrta as Anupana.

If you are suffering from piles, fissures or any other anorectal disease and would like to find out more how Ayurveda may be able to help email us on