Avagaha Sitz Bath

January 06, 2020 1 min read

Avagaha Sitz Bath
This tub is called an Avagaha Sitz bath

The sitz bath is filled with a herbal decoction (kwatham) after having received an Abhyanga oil massage.

This is extremely beneficial in

1. Lumbar sacral pain and degenerative conditions
2. Neurological problems of the lower limbs
3. Gynaecological ailments

4. Postpartum treatment
5. Urogenital problems such as a renal calculi or retention of urine
6. Fissures and anal fistula (bhagandara in sanskrit)
7. Piles (Arshas in sanskrit)

The warm medicinal herbal decoction relaxes the muscles and stimulates the nerves.

It feels so relaxing and the tub is soo comfy too

To enquire or book an appointment you are welcome to email: info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au or ph: 0406810547
With love your Lakshmi Ayurveda team 
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