Ayurvedic Consultations

January 23, 2024 2 min read

Ayurvedic Consultations

Have you considered booking an Ayurvedic consultation to find out more about your unique Ayurvedic body type?

A great way to start the New Year 

What is your constitution? 

“So, am I a Vata, Pitta or Kapha?” This is a question we often hear from curious clients. Also called Prakruti, your constitution represents the qualities in which you are born with.

Each of us has a unique mixture of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha. These doshas are made up of the five elements, called panchamahabhutas. The elements include ether, air, fire, water and earth. The combination of the elements make up everything in nature and shape our bodies – if we are tall, short, thin, strong, colour of eyes, strength of hair, etc

Vata dosha is made up of ether (space) and air elements.

Pitta dosha is made of fire and water elements.

Kapha dosha is made of earth and water elements.

Our Prakruti is determined at the time of conception. Many people confuse their Prakruti with their Vikruti, which is a current imbalance. At times, an individual lives with an imbalance for so long that they identify themselves with that imbalance – the imbalance becomes their norm.

The Beauty of Prakruti.

Learning about Prakruti helps us to accept, develop compassion and understand ourselves and others at a deeper level.

Let’s say you notice that you have felt irritable and angry the past few days. You recognize that you’ve been eating spicy meals each day, are stressed from a large workload and drinking three coffees a day; all of which can be Pitta aggravating. Practicing self-care by giving yourself a gentle and relaxing abhyanga oil massage, practicing yin yoga, cooking a fresh and wholesome meal without excess spices and drinking herbal tea instead of coffee can help restore balance. What great insight we are able to receive through Ayurvedic wisdom!

It is important to note that many people are incorrect in their self-diagnosed prakruti analysis. This is why it is important to speak with an Ayurvedic Practitioner before you start implementing changes and Ayurvedic herbs to your lifestyle.

If you are interested in learning about your constitution, we offer constitution questionnaires at the clinic. More information is also available in our Ebook. You are welcome to call/text 0406 810 547 for further information. We look forward to welcoming you at Lakshmi Ayurveda!

An initial Ayurvedic consultation is a perfect way to start the New Year.

With Love,

Your Lakshmi Ayurveda team