Benefits of Cardamom

April 26, 2023 1 min read

Benefits of Cardamom
Cardamom (Ela in Sanskrit) is definitely a staple for every Ayurvedic kitchen. Its beautiful aroma filled the kitchen today as we prepared a fresh batch of our homemade Golden milk mix.

Benefits of Cardamom
    • Digestive aid

    • Freshens the breath and improves taste

    • Treating nausea

    • Helps to treat colds, coughs and congestion

    • Used in the treatment of Asthma and respiratory conditions

Its heating nature helps to treat coughs producing mucous.

Cardamom is the main ingredient in Ayurvedic cough and cold pills, called Eladi Vati. Check out our video to learn more about the Ayurvedic pills we make here at the clinic.

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