Benefits of Tulsi

November 14, 2023 1 min read

Benefits of Tulsi
We recommend Tulsi

The power of Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurvedic medicinal herbs are truly a gift for everyone. One of our favourite herbs this week is Tulsi or Holy Basil

Tulsi is considered a very sacred plant, high in sattva. It imparts the quality of lightness and spiritual clarity. A wonderful herb to increase immunity and to lift the heaviness of a fever, cough and colds.

The energetic qualities are pungent, bitter, heating, dry and light. Tulsi clears kapha and mucous from the lungs and upper respiratory tract. It has Jvarahara properties (alleviates fever) by inducing sweating and therefore bringing the temperature down.

Other benefits of tulsi are improving one’s stamina, boosts the immunity, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, helping with depression symptoms.
A wonderful herb during autumn/ winter months and tulsi teas are recommended during this season.

Tulsi herb is available as a tea, powders, capsules and in combination with other Ayurvedic herbs.

Tulsi is great when combined with Turmeric, Ginger, Fennel, Pippali, Gotu kola or honey. 

Ayurvedic consultations are available Monday - Saturday, for more information email:

Preparation of Tulsi Swarasa 
1. Take the fresh and clean leaves of a tulsi plant.
2. Make them into a paste with a mortar and pestle.
3. Squeeze it through a cheese cloth.
4. The liquid obtained is called Tulsi Swarasa
Very beneficial in cough, viral infection and fever.
Dosage: 1-2 tsp