Certified Abhyanga Massage Therapist Training Course

February 16, 2024 1 min read

Certified Abhyanga Massage Therapist Training Course
Would you like to become a certified Ayurvedic therapist? If so, check out our upcoming training opportunity.
- Dates: April 16-19 2024
- Time: 9am-3pm each day
Each day will include theoretical instruction followed by practical tutorials. The final day will include examination and certification distribution ✍🏼
Upon successful completion, you will be certified as a trained Abhyanga Massage therapist.
The course will be approved by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.
To book: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/april-2024-abhyanga-massage-therapist-training-course-tickets-753004585987?aff=oddtdtcreator
You are welcome to call/text us at 0406 810 547 or email training@lakshmiayurveda.com.au for further details.