Chronic Fatigue and Ayurveda.

August 30, 2022 2 min read

Chronic Fatigue and Ayurveda.
Individuals suffering from chronic fatigue often experience a constant feeling of depletion. Ayurveda considers the condition complex and would need to be assessed on an individual basis. Alterations in one’s diet, lifestyle, herbal formulations and treatments would be recommended to treat the condition.

The main symptom of Chronic Fatigue is continuous physical and mental exhaustion. A person may feel physical pain, poor memory, anxiety or depression and poor sleep. Although the cause of Chronic Fatigue is not identified in western medicine, we can relate the condition from an Ayurvedic perspective to vitiated Vata Dosha within the individual.

Treating depleted states of Vata Dosha generally includes nourishing and rejuvenating treatments. Treatment solely for Vata Dosha would include nourishing actions such as more unctuous and grounding foods but if there are factors of excess Kapha Dosha included, these foods may aggravate the condition.

Before starting rejuvenation treatment, most clients will undergo a light cleansing process to help clear digestive toxins and prepare their body for deeper nourishment. This may start with digestive herbs and diet, following a prescribed routine and a mild castor oil purge as directed by a practitioner.

After the digestive function is functioning properly the client with Chronic fatigue is now prepared to undergo rejuvenation treatment.

In Rasayana treatment, we are specifically looking at nourishing the Rasa dhatu. Rasa can be loosely translated as our plasma. Its function is preenan in Sanskrit, which means to provide nourishment.

Ayurvedic herbs.

SHILAJIT - the destroyer of weakness.

ASHWAGANDHA - great for the nervous system and promoting strength. Our Ashwagandha leyham is also a great option.

CHAWANAPRASH - the elixir of life, known to rejuvenate both the body and mind and increase body strength, improve and strengthen the immune system.

If you or a loved one suffers from Chronic Fatigue you are welcome to contact us to speak with one of our practitioners. An initial consultation is the best place to start - the link to the book is in our bio.

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