Dhumapana is one of our Ayurvedic treatment recommendations for spring

September 06, 2022 1 min read

Dhumapana is one of our Ayurvedic treatment recommendations for spring
Dhumapana is the inhalation of medicinal smoke

This is often done after both Nasya and Akshi Tarpana treatments. Smoke is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth

This treatment helps to remove excess Kapha. For the best effect and proper elimination of doshas it is repeated 3 times (3 inhalations and 3 exhalations/ version found in Arunodaya commentary by Govindan Vaidyar) 

The Dhumavati is prepared with a number of Ayurvedic herbs specified for the needs of the client. Some herbs include Rasnadi, Guggulu, Dashamoola and more

Have you experienced this treatment before? It is quite clearing and lifting for the mind. We would love to hear about your experiences. Check out the videos in our stories to see how Dhumapana is performed

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