Dipanapachanadi kathanam (pharmacological definitions)

July 12, 2022 2 min read

Dipanapachanadi kathanam (pharmacological definitions)
Dipanapachanadi kathanam (pharmacological definitions) mentioned in the Sarngadhara Samhita

Significant terms used in Ayurveda in relation to herbs and substances

These definitions are great for all Ayurveda students - we suggest memorising these terms in Sanskrit and their meanings ✏️

    • Deepana - These are herbs and substances that kindle the Jatharagni but do not digest Ama. Fennel would be an example of this.

    • Pachana. These are herbs that digest Ama. Chitraka is an example of this.

    • Samsamana ⚖️ These are herbs that pacify a vitiated dosha in their own place but do not eliminate them. The drug of choice is Guduchi.

    • Anulomana -  herbs which help to eliminate mala (stool) after proper digestion. The drug of choice is Haritaki.

    • Sramsana - Herbs that expel waste that is adhered to the intestine. The drug of choice is Aragwadha.

    • Bhedana - The herbs which brake up hard faecal matter and push it out. One of the best bhedana herbs is Katuki.

    • Rechana - Wether pakwa (digested) or apakwa (improperly digested) the stool is made liquid and expelled out ⬇️ The drug of choice is Trivrit.

    • Vamana - Herbs which remove vitiated Pitta and Kapha from the stomach through the mouth (emetics) are called vamana dravya. The drug of choice is Madanaphala.

    • Samsodhana - The herbs which remove vitiated dosha either from the upwards ⬆️ route or the downward ⬇️ route of the body are called samsodhana dravya.

    • Lekhana - The drugs which remove waste from the body after drying them up are called as lekhana dravya. Herbs of choice are honey, hot water and guggulu.

    • Grahi - Drugs that have Deepana Pachana properties (please see above for the term definition)  Herbs such as ginger, cumin and Pippali.

    • Stambhana - These herbs have a stopping action, holding body fluids. They have an action of vata dosha by ruksha (dry), sheeta (cold) and kashaya (astringent).

    • Rasayana - Drugs that help delay of old age and strengthen the immune system. Herbs of choice are Amalaki, Haritaki and Guduchi.

    • Vajikarana - The herbs which increase virility and fertility are called Vajikarana dravya. The herb of choice is Nagabala and kapikacchu.

    • Sukshma - Drugs that can enter even the minutest pores of the body are called sukshma. Some examples are said have, nimba thaila and castor oil.

    • Abhisyandi - Herbs and substances which are unctuous and heavy for digestion cause the Rasayana srota to block ❌ Curd is an example.

Thus ends the fourth chapter of Sarangadhara Samhita. The reference for these terms is from the Sarngadhara Samhita

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