Guda Ardrakam - Ginger Jam Preparation

May 12, 2020 1 min read

Guda Ardrakam - Ginger Jam Preparation
Do you suffer from asthma, cough, cold, indigestion or feeling run down then this Ginger Jam might be very beneficial for you.

We love making our own Ayurvedic preparations at Lakshmi Ayurveda.

Today we are preparing Guda Ardrakam, another wonderful addition to our Ayurvedic Pharmacy.

Jaggery is dissolved in fresh ginger juice and boiled until it reaches a syrup consistency, then ghee is added followed by the following churnas/ powders.

1. Ela - cardamom
2. Lavanga Patra - bay leaves
3. Nagara - ginger
4. Maricha - black pepper
5. Pippali - long pepper
6. Musta - cyperus rotundus
7. Jeeraka - cumin
8. Ajamoda - celery seeds
9. Dhanyaka - coriander
10. Lavanga - clove

After the ginger jam has cooled down honey is mixed through.

All the herbs combined in the gingery syrup makes it a great formulation for:

Deepana/ pachana: awakens digestion and digest toxins

Kasa shwasahara: alleviates cough, asthma and benefits breathing

Rasayana: rejuvenation, especially for the lungs

Our homemade Guda Ardrakam is available from tomorrow (Tuesday).

Call/ text ph: 0406810547

For more information or to book your Ayurvedic consultation email:

With love your Lakshmi Ayurveda team
