How Ayurveda Can Assist in Cultivating Self-Love ♥️

May 17, 2022 1 min read

How Ayurveda Can Assist in Cultivating Self-Love ♥️
Acceptance. Body image. Realising you are made with a unique blend of the elements to lead you exactly where you are today.

If we acknowledge our uniqueness instead of focusing on our differences, how would we feel about ourselves?

To see the Vata qualities I have as blessings of creativity and expansion rather than those of anxiousness and fear. To see the Pitta qualities as blessings of intellect and organisation rather than those of being sharp and critical. To see the Kapha qualities as blessings of kindness and consideration rather than lazy and lethargic.

The goal of Ayurveda is to live in harmony with ourselves, others and the environment and encourages balance through lifestyle, diet and herbal recommendations.

By following an Ayurvedic lifestyle we are taught to acknowledge the importance of balance in all areas of our lives. If we experience digestive upset, we will follow dietary guidelines to encourage greater balance. If we feel emotional we may aim to bring balance through taking time to ourselves, cooking a homemade meal, going on a gentle walk.

We are curious to hear, how has Ayurveda impacted your life? ♥️

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