Ksheerabala Thailam Preparation at Lakshmi Ayurveda

May 12, 2020 1 min read

Ksheerabala Thailam Preparation at Lakshmi Ayurveda
Do you suffer from insomnia? Headaches, ear pain, gout or arthritis? Or any Vata Pitta ailments? If so, this oil could be perfect for you!

We are in the process of making Ksheerabala thailam. We started a few days ago and are still in the process of finishing the oil. Stay tuned for more videos and information about Ksheerabala thailam and the preparation process

Reference for this thailam/ oil is found in the classical text Astanga Hridaya (Vatarakta Chikitsa, the treatment of gout).

1. Bala moola Kashaya.
2. Bala moola Kalka.
3. Taila / black seed sesame oil.
4. Ksheera/ milk.

Ksheerabala is used in:
1. Vataroga such as (facial palsy, headaches, hemiplegia, ear pain, cataract, uterine disorder, shukra dosha).
2. Best in Pitta anubandha vata rogas.
3. Gout, arthritis.
4. Rasayana and nervine tonic.
5. Indriyaprasadhanam - nourishes the sense organs.
6. Brmhana - nourishing.
7. Nidrajananam, Induces sleep when doing thalam and pada abhyanga.
8. It can be processed in Avarti (Ksheerabala 101).

This oil can be used internally and externally for Nasya and Abhyanga oil massage.

Ksheerabala thailam has Madhura rasa, madhura vipaka, sheeta virya. This means it has a sweet taste, sweet post-digestive taste, and cold potency.

100% organic and made with love and authenticity from Lakshmi Ayurveda - Ksheerabala thailam now available at the clinic.

From the Lakshmi Ayurveda team, have a wonderful weekend!

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