Next Ayurveda and Yoga Workshop April/May/June 2015

March 14, 2015 1 min read

We are excited to announce that it is time for another Ayurveda and yoga workshop!

The exact date still to be confirmed.

    1. This workshop will cover:

    1. Ayurvedic concept of Agni/ digestive fire

    1. Yoga and pranayama practices for increasing the agni and removal of toxin build up in the body and mind.

    1. Ayurvedic concept of Ama/ digestive toxins and how to prevent and treat Ama

    1. Introduction of Dravyaguna / Ayurvedic pharmacology – knowledge of some important Ayurvedic herbs/ spices and their medicinal use.

    1. Ayurveda and the six tastes (Shadrasa), the six taste and their actions on the 3 Doshas.

  1. Explanation of the Yogic physiological model
A very informative handout will be provided. The workshop will once again be held at the beautiful Beacon Yoga Center – Sivananda Ashram in Beaconsfield.

We hope to see you there!

If you are interested in attending, contact Karin or Christiane – places will be limited!

Lakshmi Ayurveda Workshop
Lakshmi Ayurveda Workshop

Lakshmi Ayurveda Workshop