Padabhyanga Foot Massage

June 04, 2019 1 min read

Padabhyanga Foot Massage
Try a Padabhyanga (foot massage )before you go to bed tonight.

As the snake doesn’t approach the eagle, so disease doesn’t affect the person who massages his feet before sleeping.

Massaging your feet before bedtime promotes a tranquil sleep.

Padabhyanga with tila thailam (sesame oil)or ghrta (ghee) calms the Vata Dosha and has a strengthening effect on Chakshurindriya (sense of sight).

It is beneficial to combine your padabhyanga with a herbal/ floral foot/or epsom salt foot bath.

A footbath was traditionally offered to visitors after a long journey.
It is also often given before the Abhyanga oil massage. Given before a treatment it benefits more than just the feet as it revitalises the nervous system, improves the circulation and provides a feeling of wellbeing.

Get your own padabhyanga kit, available at Lakshmi Ayurveda ❤️❤️

Contains: kansa metal bowl, abhyanga ghruta and a cloth…/padabhyanga-foot-ther…/

your feet will love it
For enquires email
Ph: 0406810547

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