
February 11, 2020 2 min read

What a beautiful summer day, a perfect day to dry some Dadima. They are in season

Pomegranates are called Dadima in Sanskrit or Anar in Hindi.
The botanical name is Punica granatum.
This beautiful fruit is popular for its refreshing taste.

For medicinal purpose the fruit, bark of the fruit and the bark of the roots are used in Ayurveda.
It constituents (Fruit) are Vitamin C, Pectin, Sterols, Alkaloids, and Tannins. This could scientifically explain many of the Ayurvedic indications for pomegranate /dadima.

There are numerous benefits of this fruit.
Our top 20 indications:

1. Being alkaloid it is is a great anti acid and worthwhile trying if you suffer from Acidity. Try 50 ml of the pure juice, 1 to 2 x daily on an empty stomach. It is also soothing for an inflamed stomach
2. Useful in bleeding piles
3. Pomegranate controls diarrhoea (also good for children)
4. Great digestive aid. Deepana/ increases digestive function
5. Pomegranate strengthen the heart. New research can confirm this!
6. It maintains healthy level of Oestrogen as they contain a small amount of estrone. Best to eat the fresh fruit, juice or seeds during menopause.
7. The fruit also kills parasites, it is specific for tapeworms, pinworms and roundworms. Best to follow this with a colon cleanse to flush out the parasites.
8. Try and roast the seeds this is very beneficial for people with excessive appetite(balance tiksnagni).
9. Pomegranates are also a well known aphrodisiac, they benefit the semen (Shukrala) via the plasma or so called rasa dhatu in Ayurveda.
10. In nose bleed the juice of its flowers is instilled nasally (nasya) to arrest the bleeding.
11. The juice can also be applied on skin rashes, allergic rashes, insect bites. You can also mix it with aloe Vera gel 1:1 ratio.
12. The fruit intake can help to improve haemoglobin level and help in treating anaemia. Vitamin C helps Iron absorption
13. Useful in loss of taste/ tastelessness
14. Prepare a drink with jaggery to alleviate excessive thirst (trishnahara)
15. The rind of the fruit is astringent and can be used to prepare a toothpowder
16. The pomegranate seed oil is wonderful to nourish your skin and hair
17. Pomegranate juice is full of anti oxidants and it may help to reduce cancer, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels and nourish the nervous system.
18. It is antiemetic and useful to relive vomiting sensation and nausea (chardinigraha)
19. Combine with the herb Shatavari for menopause
20. Combine with the herb Arjuna, Bala and Ashwagandha for strengthening the heart

Wow this are truly amazing benefits of a fruit.

The Ayurvedic properties of Dadima/ pomegranate are:

Rasa/taste: sweet, astringent and sour taste
Vipaka/post digestive taste: sweet
Virya/potency: semi hot in potency and it has an effect to balance the Tridosha.

From a spiritual view point
• It has many seeds and is a symbol of fertility
• It is said that Lord Ganesha loves pomegranates.
• In Jewish tradition pomegranates resembles fruitfulness, knowledge, learning and wisdom.
• According to some beliefs pomegranate are grown in the gardens of paradise.
It might be an idea to plant your own pomegranate tree at home. To have the garden of paradise at your doorstep.

With love the Lakshmi Ayurveda team
We look forward to welcoming you