Sleeping Troubles

June 14, 2022 1 min read

Sleeping Troubles
Sleeping troubles. This is a complaint we often receive from clients. Insomnia, the mid-afternoon slump, trouble falling asleep, waking up multiple times throughout the night, etc.

If you experience sleeping troubles, there are Ayurvedic options for you

Day-sleeping is generally contraindicated, as we have mentioned in our posts previously. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you are exhausted from physical activity, excessive singing, study, after walking long distances, emaciated, weak, or elderly to name a few.

To avoid afternoon sleep, we must ensure our nightly sleeping routine is adequate for the body to fully rest and restore

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Check out a few recommendations below

    • Warm milk and ghee

    • Embracing your beloved

    • Free and unattached mind

    • Sugarcane juice

    • Massage

    • Udvarthanam (massage with paste)

    • Pressing the feet

    • Comfortable atmosphere and bed

    • Dishes prepared from jaggery and flour

What are some of the causes of insomnia from an Ayurvedic perspective?

    • Dry foods

    • Mental tension

    • Unsuitable time for bed

    • Uncomfortable bed

    • The mind is unprepared to go to sleep

    • Busy mind

If you struggle with sleep, the best place to start is with a consultation to discuss options for you. Some of the recommendations mentioned above may not be suited for you, based on your unique situation and body composition. We suggest speaking with a practitioner to arrange your individualized nighttime routine.

Bookings are available via the link in our bio. From the Lakshmi team, we wish you a great day

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