Top 5 Ayurvedic formulations and herbs for the flu season

August 03, 2022 2 min read

Top 5 Ayurvedic formulations and herbs for the flu season
1. Amalaki Rasayana 

2. Trikatu

3. Tulsi

4. Ginger

5. Yasthimadhuka

These formulations are in our Immunity kit which is available in our online shop. 

The immunity kit includes a free downloadable ebook with lots of information on how to use each product. 

Amalaki Rasayana 

This tonic jam is revered as an elixir of life and one of the most powerful anti ageing formulas. Helps boosting your immunity and strengthen your respiratory system. Packed full of Vitamin C

Trikatu churna – the three spices formula

The ingredients of this formula are sunthi, maricha, and pippali (ginger, black pepper and long pepper). The energetic of the spices are pungent, heating, light and dry. It awakens digestion, digest toxins (AMA) and helps to alleviate cough, asthma and benefits breathing by clearing sticky mucus and phlegm. It is also a great remedy for hay fever. This formula should be used in caution if you are suffering from high pitta and hyperacidity.Best to make a paste combined with honey.

Tulsi – Holy Basil 

Tulsi is considered a very sacred plant, high in sattva. It imparts the quality of lightness and spiritual clarity. A wonderful herb to increase immunity and to lift the heaviness of a fever, cough and colds.The energetic are pungent, bitter, heating, dry and light. Tulsi clears kapha and mucous from the lungs and upper respiratory tract. It has Jvarahara properties (alleviates fever) by inducing sweating and therefore bringing the temperature down.Other benefits of tulsi are improving one’s stamina, boosts the immunity, anti microbial, anti inflammatory properties as well as lifting ones spirits and helping with depression.A wonderful herb during the winter month. Tulsi teas are also recommended during the winter month.


A universal medicine and the ayurveda practitioners best friend. Ginger clears AMA (digestive toxins) from the plasma and blood. It warms the digestive system, increases agni (digestive fire) and the secretion of enzymes. It clears colds and alleviates cough and breathing difficulties.In Ayurveda fresh ginger (ardraka) is used as well as dry ginger (sunthi).The Sanskrit word arkraka means moist and sunthi means dry.Ginger has a Vata and Kapha balancing effect and Pitta increasing.

* If you are suffering from a cough and cold try adraka swarasa (fresh squeezed ginger juice). Mix the juice with honey and take 2 tsp, 2-3 x daily

Great combinations are:• Cinnamon, lemongrass and ginger• Ginger, lemon and honey

Yasthimadhuka- Liquorice

Yasthimadhu means the sweet stick. The sweetness of liquorice is 50 times greater then sucrose. The Ayurvedic energetic are sweet, bitter, cooling and moist. Liquorice is a great expectorant and anti inflammatory. Yasthimadhuka is used in asthma and bronchitis and dry coughs with difficult to expectorate. It is a great remedy for sore throat and laryngitis when the powder is mixed with honey. Small liquorice stick can be chewed and the juice is swallowed, this will improve a sore throat and relieves hoarseness of the voice. A warm liquorice tea is also beneficial to gargle to soothe your throat.

We look forward to your visit at Lakshmi Ayurveda.

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