What Foods Should you Avoid in Winter?

August 09, 2022 1 min read

What Foods Should you Avoid in Winter?
In winter, we should aim to balance cold qualities with warming foods.

Because of the Ayurvedic rule that ‘like attracts like’, in the winter season our Kapha and Vata dosha are likely to aggravate and often result in weight gain, depression, cough and cold, sinusitis etc.

We recommend avoiding the following:
    • Cold beverages and food

    • Crisps and dry foods

  • Raw salads

What are some of your favourite winter recipes?

A reminder that we have our E-Cookbook available for download via the link in our bio. Filled with our favourite recipes.

If you have additional questions about your diet and are looking to improve your health during winter, you are welcome to contact one of our practitioners to discuss further. Bookings are available on our website via the link in our bio.

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