What is Ayurveda?

July 27, 2010 1 min read

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of healthcare which originated in India over five thousand years ago. The fundamental healing principles which are the cornerstone of Ayurveda are to be found in the various sacred texts of ancient India such as the Rigveda and the Atharva Veda.

Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words: 'Ayur' meaning life and 'Veda' which means knowledge. Original classical Ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhita (CS) and Sushruta Samhita (SS) were documented over a thousand years B. C.

Ayurveda, the science of life, is concerned with the maintenance of health, enhancing the quality of life, the prevention of ill health as well as the treatment of disease. Unlike other systems of medicine which provide only symptomatic treatment, Ayurveda lays emphasis on treating the underlying cause of illness. It is a holistic science, taking into account all aspects of one's life such as physical and mental constitution, lifestyle and deficiencies of the individual. The ancient teachings of Ayurveda provide a vast guide of practical advice and wisdom on almost every imaginable aspect of one's life and the approach to one's health.