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  • Why have an Ayurvedic massage (Abhyanga)?

    September 12, 2010 1 min read

    Massage is the first friend which serves the human organism from the time of birth. In India it is a tradition to massage the body from one's very first day. The word Abhyanga is literally derived from the Sanskrit root -abhyani (abhi + anj), that means to anoint or smear.

    Out of all sense the sense organ of touch is the most pervasive and it has in inseparable association with the mind. Hence the effect of massage is not only for controlling Vata dosha but it has its effect on the mind also. The Vata dosha is located in sparshnendriya (sense organ of touch), and this is located in the skin.
    Massage has an overall effect on the immune system of the body and helps to maintain optimum health. If done regularly, massages helps to regulate body functions physically, mentally and spiritually.

    Examples of oils used for Abhyanga are Ksheerabala taila, Vata/Pitta/Kapha taila and Mahanarayan taila.

    The oils are carefully chosen after a consultation prior to the treatment.