Would you like to study with the Lakshmi Ayurveda Academy? 

June 28, 2022 2 min read

Would you like to study with the Lakshmi Ayurveda Academy? 
Regardless if you are new or have previous experience we would love to have you at the academy for one of our courses and workshops. 

A snippet of our next learning module to be released

Ayurvedic Diagnostic Tools necessary for all Ayurvedic consultants and practitioners to understand.

Ayurvedic texts provide us with brilliant protocols on how to assess a patients condition. These guidelines are important for all practitioners to follow in order to identify the deeper causes of imbalance a client may be experiencing.

Nidana Panchaka and Shat Kriyakala are two theories very important for all Ayurvedic students to understand and apply when dealing with clients.

We are currently working on our next online learning module, Roga Evam and Vikruti Vijnanam, which will explain in detail both methods.

Nidana Panchaka - The five means of diagnosis. These are the five essential criteria necessary for the diagnosis of a disease.

1. Nidana - cause of the disease.

2. Purvarupa - symptoms which appear before the actual disease commences

(premonitory symptoms).

3. Rupa - sign and symptoms of the disease.

4. Upasaya/ Anupasaya - test carried out by the physician to arrive at a correct

diagnosis in condition of doubt or difficulty (diagnostic test).

5. Samprapti - knowledge of the abnormalities of the dosha, dhatus, malas. Disease


Shat Kriyakala - Ayurveda talks about the six stages of disease, called the Satkriyakala.

1. Sanchaya (Accumulation).

2. Prakopa (Aggravation).

3. Prasara (Spread or migration).

4. Sthanasamsraya (localisation).

5. Vyakti (Manifestation).

6. Bheda (Permanent change and complications).

Each of these topics will be explained in our next online module. Have you signed up for our fundamental principles of Ayurveda course? Additional information is available via the link in our bio. Great for all students of Ayurveda!

We wish you a beautiful Sunday. With Love, Karin and the Lakshmi team

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