Online Consultations

March 24, 2025 1 min read

Online Consultations

Are you interested in having an Ayurvedic Consultation but live interstate or overseas?

We have a solution for you!

You’re welcome to book one of our online Ayurvedic consultations 

Today Karin seen on of her patients from the eastern states. A surprise visitor tuned into the consultation appointment. 

We love seeing clients around the world 

During the consultation, you will meet virtually with one of our practitioners (Karin, Roberta or Emma) to discuss your health concerns.

As with all our clients, you will receive advise for daily routine, diet, Ayurvedic herbs and treatment recommendations. A plan will be specifically tailored for you to suit your needs. 

We highly recommend an initial Ayurvedic consultation. An appointment which can be life changing on many levels 

Bookings are available via our website. Alternatively, you can email us at and we can help you set up the appointment.

We look forward to seeing you in the clinic or online.

With Love, the Lakshmi team 

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