World Parkinson’s day - April 2024

April 24, 2024 2 min read

World Parkinson’s day - April 2024

Parkinson’s Disease (PD)

Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that can impair the person’s motor skills, speech and other functions. 🦵👂🏼👃🏼🧠👄


It belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders and it develops from a loss of dopamine 🧠 producing cells. This is an ailment close to my heart as my ❤️grandmother (Oma) 👵 suffered with Parkinson’s.


More than 20 years since my grandmother has passed, I often imagine what a difference it would have made for her on an emotional and physical level receiving Abhyanga treatments, Svedana/ sudation, Shirodhara treatments and a nurturing diet. I wished I could have made this possible for her 🙏


Parkinson’s distinct triad of symptoms are:

  1. Bradykinsesia (slow physical movement)
  2. Rigidity – muscle stiffness can occur in any part of the body
  3. Tremor/ shaking – often occurs when the hand is at rest


In Ayurveda Parkinson’s disease known as Kampavata or Vephatu and is considered to be a Vataja nanatmaja Vyadhi (disease of Vata). Kampavata can be translated as tremors due to Vata.

Reference from Madhava Nidana 22: 74 (a classical ayurvedic text book).


The whole body or head, hands, legs get tremors. This is called vepathu or kampa. This causes difficulty in movements and walking. 


In the time of Charaka and Sushruta a cluster of symptoms (sanskrit words below) are described which can be seen as a description of Parkinson’s disease.


Kampa = tremor

Sirakampa = head tremor

Stambha = rigidity

Cestasana = bradykinesia(slow movement)

Vakvikrti = disturbance in speech

Bhudhikshaya = cognitive impairment. depression, anxiety, change in mood

Nidranasha = sleep disturbance


The Ayurvedic treatment approach will involve Vata and Kapha reducing measures with diet and herbs (e.g. Kapikaccu churna, Rasona, Ashwagandha and Bala churnam) and body treatment.


An initial consultation is required to establish a suitable treatment plan. Roberta, Emma and myself are available for consultations Monday - Saturday.


If you are suffering from Kampavata and would like to know more on the Ayurvedic treatment approach please email us on

We look forward hearing from you,

With Love Karin and the Lakshmi Ayurveda team ❤️




Some more reading for the students of Ayurveda and Ayurveda professionals.

Avarana (overlapping doshas) is evident in Kampavata and avaranagna chikitsa needs to be applied.  Kaphavrta Vyana, Kaphavrta Udana, Udanavrta vyana and Majja vrtta Vata.


The Samprapti ghataka / disease etio pathogenesis


Doshas: all five types of Vata, Sadhaka Pitta , Tarpaka Kapha

Dushya: Rasa, Majja, Shukra, Mamsa

Updadhatu snayu and Ojas

Srotas: Rasa, Shukravaha, Majjavaha, Mamsavaha 

Srotodushti: Sanga

Agni: Jatharagni

Manifestation: Sarvanga/ whole body. 


External therapies are:

🌿Abhyangam (oil  massage) with Sahacharadi kuzhambu, Mashathailam, Prabanjanam thailam 

🌿Svedana (herbal steam)


🌿Patra Potali svedam (special prepared bolus of medicinal leaves)

🌿Pizhichil (pouring medicated oil in a specific manner over the body)

🌿Thalam (applying medicines over the centre of the head)

🌿Udvarthanam (powder massage)

🌿Basti (Anuvasanam = a type of medicated enema)

🌿Nasya (administration of nasal drops) with lasuna tailam 

🌿Rasayana (rejuvenation treatment) , Pippali rasayana, lasuna rasayanam 


Ayurveda truly is a holistic system of medicine addressing all needs of a human being.