Bilva Tea Preparation

November 29, 2022 2 min read

Bilva Tea Preparation
If you have been visiting an Asian country and received a reddish coloured welcome drink arriving at your hotel the chance you had Bilva tea is very high.

It is not only tasty but Bilva has numerous medicinal benefits. Besides the dried fruit which is used to make tea, the roots, fruit pulp, leaves, ripe/ unripe fruits are used in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Bilva is the Sanskrit word for Bael/ Bel fruit. It is also known as bengal quince, wood apple or Aegle Marmelos in latin.

This fruit is such a fantastic remedy for the digestive system and heals any weakness in the intestine. The bilva tree is sacred to lord Shiva. The leaves symbolize the three eyes of Shiva. It is said that offerings of water sprinkled on these leave at a temple will always remain fresh. 

Bilva is mentioned in all ancient scriptures of Ayurveda as well as in the Rigveda and Yajurveda. The trees are cultivated in the vicinity of Shiva temples.

Today we are making Bilva tea. The tea is rich in vitamins, minerals and tannin.

All you need is two to four slices of bael fruit and 4 cups of water. 


How to make it:

    • Dry roast the bilva slices (this brings out a much stronger flavour).

    • Add it to the boiling water.

    • Simmer for 15 minutes.

    • Enjoy warm or room temperature.

For the students of Ayurveda and Ayurveda Lovers some more information below.


Sanskrit Synonyms for Bilva are: 

1. Bilva – eradicates diseases

2. Shandilya – removes trouble

3. Maloora– increases beauty of the body

4. Sadaphal– having fruit all the seasons


The Ayurvedic Actions are:

    • Deepana – Increases the digestive fire

    • Pachana – digest toxins

    • Atisaraghna – alleviator of diarrhoea

    • Sulaghna – alleviates colic and pain 

    • Vatakapha hara – alleviates Vata and Kapha dosha

The Ayurvedic Properties are:

    • Rasa/ taste: astringent and bitter

    • Virya/ potency: heating

    • Vipaka/ post-digestive taste: pungent

    • Dosha: Vata Kapha reducing

    • Dhatu: effect on the plasma and blood

    • Srotas: Annavaha srotas (Digestive, eliminatory tract)


It is indicated in irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, dysentery, malabsorption, ulcerations, inflammation of the mucous membrane, crohn’s disease, ulcers, colitis, vomiting and blood sugar balance.

If you are suffering from any digestive complaints we recommend an Ayurvedic consultation with one of our experienced practitioners.

For any enquires email:

We wish you a great start to the week. 

With Love, Karin and the Lakshmi Ayurveda team

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Please share if know anyone with IBS or digestive complaints 


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