Broken Toe Treatment

March 29, 2022 1 min read

Broken Toe Treatment
Ouch that looks sore! 

Have you ever had a stubbed or broken toe? If you had one I am sure you know how painful this can be. 

This patient came with a traumatic toe injury and sprain. 

A stubbed toe may seems to be a minor injury but in can be intensely painful. This patient could hardly walk and was unable to wear shoes. 

We treated this patients with a herbal paste (lepa) application and Murivenna Thailam Picchu (a soaked gauze with a medicated ayurvedic oil). The second picture is taken only 3 days after the injury. 

Murivenna oil is a classical Ayurvedic oil renowned to help in treatment fractures and sprains. 

Some of its other uses are

    • Pulled muscle

    • Inflammation 

    • Tennis elbow

    • Bursitis 

    • Shoulder dislocation pain 

    • Frozen shoulder 

    • Spondylosis 

    • Non healing wounds 

This is definitely one of our top 10 Ayurvedic oil at our clinic. 

If you had a fractured or stubbed toe before we would love to hear about your experience. 

With Love, Karin and the Lakshmi team. ♥️

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