Kelsey has prepared a fresh batch of Ashwagandhadi Lehyam.
This is a semi solid Ayurvedic preparation rich in taste and nourishing for all the bodily tissues (dhatus).
The word Avaleha has been derived from the root word “lihaswadane”in which “lih” means a substance which is licked and “aswadane” means that which has good taste.
This is true as most Avaleha taste very delicious.
Different Avaleha’s are explained in the Ayurvedic Samhitas such as Charak Samhita, Vagbhata Samhita and Sharangdhara Samhita.
The type of formulations is easier to consume then churnas (herbal powders) and is more palatable.
Avaleha are intend to provide better drug absorption through the mouth along with absorption through the intestine.
The common ingredient of Avaleha are:
1. Drava Dravya – a liquid medium
2. Madhur Dravya – a sweetener such as jaggery or sugar candy
3. Prakshep Dravya – fine powder or a pulp
4. Sneha Dravya – ghee, thailam
5. Additives – honey or others
Our Ashwagandha lehyam uses:
Balya – body stregthening
Rasayana – to rejuvenate
Vajiarkana – promotes fertility and virility
Nervous debility
Weak Mamsa (muscle) tissue
Dosage: 1-2 tsp at bed time with milk
Milk is recommended as Anupana
Anupana is important in Ayurvedic medicine as it acts as a carrier for the medicine to reach to the target area and enhances the efficacy of the aushadha (medicine).
For more information or if you are interested in learning Ayurveda in a clinical environment enquire about our student mentoring programme.