Does your body feel weak, stressed and fatigued?

April 06, 2021 1 min read

Does your body feel weak, stressed and fatigued?

Kelsey has prepared a fresh batch of Ashwagandhadi Lehyam.

This is a semi solid Ayurvedic preparation rich in taste and nourishing for all the bodily tissues (dhatus). ?

The word Avaleha has been derived from the root word “lihaswadane”in which “lih” means a substance which is licked and “aswadane” means that which has good taste. ?

This is true as most Avaleha taste very delicious. ?

Different Avaleha’s are explained in the Ayurvedic Samhitas such as Charak Samhita, Vagbhata Samhita and Sharangdhara Samhita. ?

The type of formulations is easier to consume then churnas (herbal powders) and is more palatable. ?

Avaleha are intend to provide better drug absorption through the mouth along with absorption through the intestine.

The common ingredient of Avaleha are:

1. Drava Dravya – a liquid medium ?

2. Madhur Dravya – a sweetener such as jaggery or sugar candy ?

3. Prakshep Dravya – fine powder or a pulp ?

4. Sneha Dravya – ghee, thailam ?

5. Additives – honey or others ?

Our Ashwagandha lehyam uses:

    • Balya – body stregthening

    • Rasayana – to rejuvenate

    • Vajiarkana – promotes fertility and virility

    • Nervous debility

    • Weak Mamsa (muscle) tissue

Dosage: 1-2 tsp at bed time with milk ?

Milk is recommended as Anupana ?

Anupana is important in Ayurvedic medicine as it acts as a carrier for the medicine to reach to the target area and enhances the efficacy of the aushadha (medicine).

For more information or if you are interested in learning Ayurveda in a clinical environment enquire about our student mentoring programme.

We wish you a beautiful Wednesday evening.

With love from Lakshmi Ayurveda ??

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