2026 Introduction to Jivha Pariksha, Ayurvedic Tongue Analysis

Back by popular demand! Our last two tongue analysis workshops were sold out. Called Jivha Pariksha in Ayurveda, tongue analysis is one of the methods of Ayurvedic examination.

During this workshop you will learn how to observe and check your tongue and identify common imbalances. We will speak about organ location on the tongue, significance of cracks and colour, identifying AMA (Digestive toxins), and more. This is a very practical workshop and we will spend lots of time observing photos of tongues.

This workshop is for you if you’re curious to learn what your tongue speaks about your health. We will also discuss how to make your own Ayurvedic mouth wash and digestive tea.

Date: Saturday, March 14th, 2026

Time: 9am-12pm.

Location: Lakshmi Fremantle Clinic. 13 Suffolk Street, Fremantle, WA 6163.

Included: Electronic version of the course workbook and Lakshmi chai and snacks.

Cost: $120


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