Dashamoola दशमूल continued.

January 10, 2023 1 min read

Dashamoola दशमूल  continued.
Today we will continue on the topic of Dashamoola.

Yesterday we mentioned that Dashamoola can be translated as ‘ten roots’. We discussed the Brhat Panchamula, the 5 large roots, in our article yesterday.

Today we will speak about the Laghu Panchamula, the five small roots

These 5 small roots include:

Shalaparni, Prshniparni, Brhati, Kantakari and Gokshura 

Properties of the Laghu Panchamula:

•Rasa: kashaya (astringent), Tikta(bitter) and madhura (sweet)

•Guna: guru (heavy), snigdha (oily), alpa ushna (slightly heating)

•Virya: alpa ushna (slightly heating)

•Vipaka: madhura (sweet)

Actions of the Laghu Panchamula:

Vatashamana - pacifies Vata and the nervous system

Anulomana - directs flow of Vata in a downward direction

Kasa Shwasahara - reduces cough and cold

Jvaraghna - alleviates fevers.

Sulaghna - alleviates pain.

Dosha: vata pitta hara.

Dhatu: balya and brmhana.

Mala: sangrahi, mutrala and reduces sweda.

As you can see, there are so many benefits of the five small roots. When combined with the Brhat Panchamula, the five large roots, the widely popular Dashamoola formulation is created. Learn more about the benefits of the formulation in our post tomorrow ✨

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