Dashamoola दशमूल

January 10, 2023 2 min read

Dashamoola दशमूल
This is a post for students and lovers of classical Ayurveda. Sanskrit terminology is used

We previously wrote about the many benefits of the Bilva fruit Besides the fruits and the leaves, the Bilva roots are also used for their medicinal benefits.

Bilva root is one of the ingredients in a famous classical Ayurvedic herbal formulation called Dashamoola (the ten roots). ‘Dasha (ten) ✋moola (root).’ 

Dashamoola is made up of two sets of roots:

    1. Brhat Pancha Mula: Translated as the five big roots. These are large trees and their roots are big.

    1. Laghu Pancha Mula: Translated as the five smaller roots. These are small plants.

In today’s post, we will discuss the five big roots; the Brhat Panchamula. These include: 

Bilwa, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Patala, Gambhari.

Properties of the Brhat Panchamula:

•Rasa: Tikta (bitter), kashaya (astringent) and Madhura (sweet).

•Guna: laghu (light), ushna (heating), ruksha (drying).

•Virya: ushna (heating) 

•Vipaka: katu (heating)


Actions of the Brhat Panchamula:

Dosha: tridoshaghna but predominantly Kapha and Vata hara.

Dhatu and Srotas: pranavaha, annavaha and majjavaha srotas.

Mala: grahi action as they are ushna, produce sweda due to their ushnatwa.

They are ama pachaka and agnideepaka. Meaning, they help to digest AMA (digestive toxins) and kindle the Agni (digestive fire) 

We will post more about the Laghu Panchamoola, the five small roots over the next few days.

If you are interested in learning more we can recommend Ayurvedic mentoring sessions with Karin or a great start is our fundamental principle of Ayurveda online course.

To register link into our bio.  

We look forward to welcoming you at the Lakshmi Ayurveda Academy 

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